Monday 30 December 2013

Avocado homemade mask Shine and nourishment in minutes

Sometimes you can be and you beautician thanks to the materials of your kitchen.
Create a moisturizing beauty mask using as base materials from your kitchen. This, as you suggest, is ideal both for the skin and for women with very thin hair to hair.

The materials you need:

A Avocado
Oils Vitamin E
oil Aromatic
A mixer

How to fix the mask:

Divide avocado in half and remove the stones of. With the help of a spoon take out the main part of the interior of the fruit, known as the heart and fling it in the mixer. Add ¼ teaspoon of vitamin E and a teaspoon of flavored oil, such as coconut oil. If you do not like the strong smell preferred olive oil. Put the mixer running until it is the mixture creamy texture.

Application: Spread all the hair carefully, especially the tips and wore a plastic cap for 20 minutes. LOUSOI then with shampoo and conditioner. For skin, followed the same procedure with the common masks.

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