Saturday 4 January 2014

It blew dark circles with 3 ingredients you have in the kitchen

To have ready beauty bag of fresh produce.
You went to your friend's party, mild, drunkards, stayed up all night and in the morning you meeting the company you work. stand up and see something huge circles under the eyes .. should be ready in an hour and as you well know, your appearance will play a key role. Do not panic. Go to the kitchen and find an easy solution!

Cucumbers. classic but highly effective prescription. Put slices of cucumber over the eyes for 15-20 minutes and then wash your face.

Tea. Could you put your bags ready marketed or boil tea and dab a cotton which will spread out over your eyes.

Potato. Take a mature potato, melt and spread out over the dark circles. In half an hour the very dark circles will be past and you'll be ready to tear at your professional duty!

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