Thursday 2 January 2014

Puffy eyes from sleepless nights? There we have a super tip!

Create a miraculous and easy mask To fight dark circles and puffy eyes!
The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive part of the face! particular after these days you stay up a little longer, puffiness and dark circles are the greatest enemies of our ...

Create the breeze and our miraculous mask for glowing look after the holidays:

What you will need:

-1 / 2 cup fresh milk 
- 2 tbsp porridge


In a bain-marie boil the milk.

-Then add the oatmeal and let it melt for 10 minutes.

Well-drained porridge and put it in the fridge.

-Take a small quantity of the mask and apply the under eye for 20 minutes.

-Rinse with tepid water and moisturizing your face well. Repeat the process 1-2 times a week for perfect results.

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