Sunday 22 December 2013

Make yourself a perfect glitter for the eyes and the body

Make yourself a perfect glitter for the eyes and the body
A recipe shine and beauty.

You may not use often glitter, eyes, or body, but there are some times when you want to impress above. Instead buy a glitter trade, build your own for even more individual results.


1 teaspoon petroleum jelly
4 teaspoons aloe vera gel form
glitter powder (in whatever color you want)


-Mix well aloe and petrolatum in a bowl.
-Add the glitter and toss well again.
-Try the mixture in your hand to see if you're satisfied with the result.
-If you want it softer, put a little more aloe.
To glitter-you are ready!


 when wearing glitter eye avoided particularly highlight the lips. Otherwise the result will be so intense that you will be charming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
