Saturday 21 December 2013

Splendour and facial scrub with one apple? Learn our secret recipe!


The delicious fruit that works wonders and beauty ...
The apple is a fruit rich in vitamins and natural acids that give luster to the skin and helps to produce collagen , which is responsible for its youthful and fresh appearance of our skin!

We will capitalize on the beneficial properties of the apple for radiance and youthfulness and combined with a little oatmeal, yogurt and honey will create a comprehensive treatment exfoliating, moisturizing and nourishing for the skin in the most natural way!

What you will need:

1/2 apple peeled 
1k.s oats 
1 tbsp yogurt 
1 tsp honey


-Put all ingredients in a multi until the mixture becomes your uniform.

-Stretch the mask on your face, massage gently and let it for 15-20 minutes.

-Rinse thoroughly with warm water, again by gentle massage of the face.

-For more immediate results, do the above mask 2-3 times a week (depending on the needs of your skin).

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